Full Agenda

Monday, October 7

9:00 AM - 4:45 PM

ACP Board of Directors
Room: Savannah, 1st Floor


ACP Group Instruction
Room: Vernon, 2nd Floor

Tuesday, October 8

8:00 AM - Noon

ACP Board of Directors
Room: Savannah, 1st Floor


ACP Group Instruction
Room: Vernon, 2nd Floor

1:30 PM


11:00 AM - Until

ACP 2024 Open
**Please Complete This Form to Participate**

Make plans to join us at Southbridge Savannah Golf Club for the ACP Open, which is played as a scramble. Everyone gets to hit and then the team picks the best ball from which to play their next shot. Tee times start at 11 AM, and you'll be back in time for the welcome reception this evening. So whether you have a low handicap, or only dust off your clubs once a year, we want you to come out and have some fun!

2:00 - 3:30 PM

Preconference Workshop

Back-to-Basics: The ACP Toolkit

Chip Simon
Susan Einberger, Enjoy the Ride: Financial + Life Planning

Room: Vernon

This presentation will  take a deep dive into the ACP Retirement Analyzer, Bond Ladder, and more. Take a closer look at the ACP Toolkit and how to maximize the resources within. 

**additional registration required** 
Register Here

6:30 - 8:30 PM

Welcome Reception
Room: Regency 

Wednesday, October 9

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Regency Ballroom

New Member and First-Time Attendee Introductions

9:00 - 10:30 AM

Opening Comments and Featured Speaker

Ten Tips to a Better Practice

Diane MacPhee, DMAC Consulting

Room: Regency Ballroom

Come learn a fast-track plan to execute the ten tips Diane believes are significant and causative for success in building a better business.

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Break with Sponsors
Room: Regency Ballroom

11:00 - 11:50 AM

Breakout Sessions

Tiny Houses: Planning Outside the American Dream
Laura Lynch, CFP® ABFP™ AAMS® CDFA®The Tiny House Advisor, LLC

Room: Vernon

According to a 2024 story from Marketplace.org, home prices have risen 423% in 40 years. The compounding of the price and current interest rates has accelerated a trend of many Americans considering alternative housing solutions, including tiny homes. Join Laura Lynch, CFP® ABFP™ AAMS® CDFA®, Founder of The Tiny House Advisor, for a session designed to satisfy your curiosity about the tiny home trend and provide useful guidance on how to support clients who are considering this path. Questions to be answered: Who is a tiny home for? What is the technical definition of a tiny home and why do the nuances matter? Is a tiny home an appreciating or depreciating asset? Are there tiny home mortgages? Can a client get insurance on their tiny home? What are blind spots clients face when attempting to go tiny? How is health insurance complicated by a domestic, nomadic lifestyle? Bring your questions to this fun session in which we discuss this change happening in housing.

20 Years Lessons, Lies, and Laughter
Troy Von Haefen, Von Haefen Financial Management

Room: Sloane

Running a financial planning practice is not easy, and it’s not for everyone. As with many things in life, implementation is different than the design -Similar to the old thought. “Every pugilist has a plan until the first punch is thrown!” Learn real life lessons and tips to set your practice up for success, as well as how to avoid traps that lead to failure. 

Cancelled - An Advisor's Tips to Successfully Integrate Asset Dedication Into Your Practice
Adam Broughton
PBL Wealth Management
Brent Burns, Asset Dedication
Brian Duvall, Asset Dedication

Room: Percival

Adam Broughton hired Asset Dedication in 2019 after more than a year of attempting to implement liability-driven investing for his clients. The last five years have produced many best practices for successful collaboration and lots of lessons learned. This session will be a structured conversation between Adam Broughton (founder of PBL Wealth Management, LLC), Brent Burns (CEO of Asset Dedication) and Brian Duvall (Mgr. of Advisor Services). The discussion will cover the key decisions, tools, best practices and work flows an adviser needs to think through to realize the full benefits of engaging Asset Dedication as a strategic partner.

A New Twist on Target Maturity Bond Funds
Dimensional | Platinum Sponsored Session

Doug Longo, Dimensional

Room: Regency Ballroom

Why do advisors use Target Maturity Bond ETFs?​
Many advisors have recognized that managing individual bonds comes with challenges. They are concerned about managing uninvested cash, mitigating trading costs, and managing concentration for their clients. They also find the logistical hurdles of managing individual bonds for their clients a challenge when trying to scale their business.
Target maturity bond funds can make it easier for investors to create bond ladders, which can help clients stay on track with predictable cash flows (RMDs), especially during volatile times. ​
Target maturity bond ETFs can mitigate advisor’s concerns about managing uninvested cash, trading costs, and concentration for their clients. 
We will examine the current options available and discuss Dimensional's unique value proposition which includes:
* Diversified corporate bonds exposure: Weight limits on credit quality, sector, issuer, and country of issuance to enhance risk management  ​
* ​Apply variable credit: Vary exposure AAA, AA, A, and BBB rated credit depending on the relative expected returns ​
​* Credit monitoring: Systematic, price-based credit monitoring to actively monitor for credit deterioration  ​
​* Flexible trading: Flexibility in constructing ETF baskets to reduce trading costs  

The Power of the ACP Pyramid
Sophie Kaluziak, Vista Financial Planning

Room: Verelst

Learn how to fully utilize this tool from asset allocation to portfolio rebalancing.

12:00 - 1:30 PM

Lunch and Dessert with Sponsors
Regency Ballroom

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Breakout Sessions

The C's of Creating an Aligned Culture

Kelly Adams, Triskele Coaching & Consulting
Joy McShane Oyler, Essential Connections
Room: Percival

Develop strategies for firm owners and key (all) employees to hold hard discussions, align goals and expectations from the onset (or from today), and create a collaborative open office culture. 

Proxy Power
The What, Why, and How of Integrating Proxy Voting Into Your Practice

Simon Zais CAIA, Eagan Jones

Room: Sloane

Join Simon Zais of Egan-Jones for a discussion on Proxy voting, the impact of votes, voting practices, and voting trends. Explore from start to finish how you can integrate voting into your financial planning practice, from values alignment to compliance. 

Cancelled - A Simple Framework Equity Grant Planning
Adam Broughton, PBL Wealth Management

Room: Vernon

Equity compensation can make up as much as 80% of a top earning employee's compensation and often comprises over 30% of their net worth. However, HR departments are typically prohibited from providing employees with advice related to these complex assets. This creates a planning opportunity for advisers to add significant value through financial planning. PBL Wealth Management LLC has created a simple framework (COST) for advisers to bring to clients when planning for these investments.

Is Today's Older Homeowner Sitting on a Gold Mine?

Longbridge Financial | Platinum Sponsored Session

Jerry Auippa, Longbridge Financial

Room: Regency Ballroom

Elderly homeowners own close to $13 trillion in home equity, and many are struggling with a financial plan that fully funds their lifetime expenses, yet financial advisors often overlook this hidden wealth. Why? In this one-hour presentation, we take a deep dive into the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) and new attractive and low-cost proprietary products to understand how it can improve the retirement plans of clients, protect against longevity risk, be optimized to fit with client goals, and do so in an ethical and compliant manner. Home equity is one of the largest sources of assets for clients, and reverse mortgages can unlock this hidden wealth in a safe and standardized manner. With new, best-interest and compliance standards for financial advisors, the value of considering home equity in the planning process is growing.

Marketing Best Practices – Tips and Tricks From Your ACP Peers
Wes Stien, Lodestar Financial Management
Thomas Cook,
Retire To Tellico
Miriam Whiteley,
LifeCraft Financial Planning
Keith Spencer,
Spencer Financial Planning
Steve Martin,
Oasis Wealth Planning Advisors
John Scherer,
Trinity Financial Planning

Room: Verelst

Marketing is a key activity to help practices build credibility and attract more clients, and there are endless tools and strategies to help you get your name out there. Where do you even begin?

Join this panel discussion and hear how your ACP colleagues have used simple strategies to harness the power of specific tools and platforms - media placement, blog & article writing, YouTube videos, and LinkedIn presence - to showcase their expertise and grow their client lists.

2:30 - 3:00 PM

Spotlight Sessions

Understanding Long Term Care Insurance:
Costs, Coverage, and Underwriting

Taylor West, LLiS

Room: Verelst

This presentation highlights the need for long term care insurance (LTCi) by examining care costs, claim durations, and types of care. It compares various LTCi policies, focusing on benefits, premiums, and suitability for different client needs. It also outlines the underwriting process, detailing key factors insurers consider when assessing applicants. Participants will gain insights into selecting appropriate LTCi solutions and understanding the underwriting criteria.

Pivot points: 
"Upgrading" From ACP Tools Without Sacrificing ACP Values

Ken Robinson, Practical Financial Planning

Room: Percival

The ACP System is not just a collection of tools. It's a manifestation of professional values. But how essential are the ACP tools themselves to a successful ACP practice? Ken Robinson gives examples of how he has adapted tools beyond those provided by ACP to serve his clients and support the values we have all learned from the Success Program.

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Break with Sponsors
Regency Ballroom

3:30 - 4:30 PM

Featured Speaker

Using a Trustee is NOT an Afterthought

Daniel Felix, The Professional Trustee

Room: Regency Ballroom

Your clients’ trustee needs to collaborate with you through any disability and then to transition after their death. Planning enhances the trustee’s effectiveness, and minimizes waste, delay, and heartache. In this program, we’ll outline trust essentials and then identify the paths for your advance collaborations. You’ll leave with concrete action steps supported by handouts and other resources.

4:45 - 5:30 PM

Under the Trees

Rooms: Regency Ballroom, Percival, Sloane, Vernon

Join ACP members in self-directed discussion. Sign-up / proposed topic sheets will be located near registration. Looking for outdoor space? Check out the Hyatt Regency's rooftop spaces or take a walk down River Street. Please sign up at registration, meet your group in the assigned room, and if you move outside of the classroom space, let us know where we can send folks to find your group!


Rooms: Verelst

This popular Group Instruction session is available to all conference attendees and will take place as a special ACP Under the Trees topic. Bring your best questions to ACP advisors in various stages of practice.


6:30 - 9:30 PM

DFA Reception | Top Deck
125 W River Street 

Join Dimensional Fund Advisors and your ACP friends and colleagues for a fun night at Top Deck, just a block down the street. This rooftop venue promises a great view of historic downtown Savannah and a sunset on the Savannah River. Gather in the lobby as early as 6:15 PM, and we'll lead the way to a great night sponsored by DFA. No additional RSVP required – come as you are. 

8:00 - 9:30 PM

G2 Social
Savannah for Morons
Click here to RSVP Before October 4

Please gather at our pick-up location at 7:45 PM 

The ACP G2 community is invited to join us for an adult-only, private, 90-minute comedy show on wheels. We'll travel through downtown Savannah on an air-conditioned trolley for an experience that combines jokes, music, and absurd appearances with Georgia history including key moments like the state's founding, Paula Deen trivia, and the must-do tourist selfie on the Forrest Gump bench. It's an experience that's more social than professional, filled with adult language, and rated PG-13ish. We'll provide food and drinks (both A and NA), and we'll make one stop along the way for a bathroom and drink break. The YCC team will help ensure that you can attend both of this evening's events — this trolley will leave promptly at 8:00 PM! 

Thursday, October 10

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Breakfast and ACP Committees
Regency Ballroom

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Featured Speaker

Upping Your Question Game: 25 Questions for Better Client Connections Throughout the Financial Planning Engagement
Dr. Meghaan Lurtz, Ph.D., FBS™, Kitces

Room: Regency Ballroom

Asking great questions is an essential part of the job of the financial advisor. Great questions help us to gather important information, and great questions can help motivate clients to take action. Many advisors are aware of the difference between a close-ended question and an open-ended question, but questions can take additional forms as well. Join us and learn not only about the different types of questions that are available to advisors, but also about how and when to use these questions throughout the financial planning relationship. 

10:10 - 11:00 AM

Breakout Sessions

Evaluating Alternatives: Bitcoin and Covered Calls
Cole McClarren, CFP®, EA,
Cambridge Financial Group
Richard "Bart" Leake, CFP®, CMT®, EA, Cadence Planning

Room: Percival

This session will explore a methodology for evaluating alternative investments, using bitcoin and covered call options as examples.

Executive Compensation in the C-Suite
Tammy Goodman,
Tammy Goodman Financial, LLC

Room: Sloane

A foundational overview of executive compensation topics, covering various components of executives’ compensation components and benefits, and a discussion about circumstances that are unique to C-Suite executives at publicly-traded companies.

Getting Coached – Notes From a Very Satisfied Client

Ken Robinson, Practical Financial Planning, Inc.

Room: Verelst

We often hear about the value of coaching. But what's it really like to have a business coach? In this session, which will introduce you to some different coaching models, Ken shares his good and not-so-good experiences with this essential part of the growth of his practice.

Managing Tradeoffs – Evaluating Investment Goals in the Context of the Financial Plan

Asset Dedication | Platinum Sponsored Session

Steve Huxley, Asset Dedication
Brent Burns, Asset Dedication

Room: Regency Ballroom

All planners are aware of the tradeoff between risk and return when pondering investment allocations. But other tradeoffs exist that a thorough planner should consider. For example, assume you tell your prospects that you use a goals-based investing strategy. A list of common strategies would include those that achieve the highest of the following:  1) maximum return, 2) average return, 3) minimum return, 4) maximum Sharpe ratio, or 5) the lowest standard deviation. Which one would be best for each client?

Tradeoffs among these strategies were calculated based on the historical record. The research shows that the strategy to achieve the maximum return led to a 15% average return over all past decades but also led to actual losses over some decades, the worst with losing 7% per year (reducing $100,000 to $48,000 at the end of ten years). But the same research shows that the strategy to maximize the minimum return achieved an average of 13% per year with no decade losing money and the worst decade still gaining 5% per year (growing $100,000 to $162,000 at the end of ten years). 

This presentation will present such tradeoffs among all the strategies listed and what they mean to planners interested in building portfolios with the knowledge of what tradeoffs they are inherently making. There are no easy choices, and the implications of the research are not for the faint-hearted!

11:00 - 11:30 AM

Break with Sponsors
Regency Ballroom

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Featured Speaker

An Update From the Federal Reserve
Reginald "Reggie" Chever, Federal Reserve Atlanta

Room: Regency Ballroom

Reggie will share high-level data from economic indicators like inflation and labor markets along with aggregated regional information from our contacts across sectors. He'll also provide an overview of the Federal Reserve System and the Atlanta Fed.

12:30 - 2:00 PM

Lunch and Dessert With Sponsors
Top Tips 2024 and Prize Drawings

Room: Regency Ballroom

2:00 - 2:50 PM

Breakout Sessions

A Path to Ownership
Diane MacPhee,
DMAC Consulting

David Klepeisz, Accruent Wealth Advisors

Sana Haque, Gianola Financial Planning

Room: Verelst

Come enjoy a panel discussion with experienced yet newly minted ACP owners who bought the firm from longtime founders. Hear their individual stories of challenge and joy.

Does a Reverse Mortgage Have a Place in Retirement Planning?
FAR Reverse Mortgage | Platinum Sponsored Session
Gabrielle Welter
Finance of America Reverse Mortgage

Room: Regency Ballroom

The ultimate objective of this session is to determine what type of client profile could benefit from including a reverse mortgage in their retirement plan and how best to present it to them. See how a reverse mortgage works and under what circumstances it could help safeguard a retirement plan and enhance a legacy. Topics discussed will range from product details, including costs, interest rates, and misconceptions to specific financial planning applications, such as managing long-term risk or supplementing asset distribution strategies.

Sweat the Small Stuff:
Tough Questions to Consider When Reviewing a Client's Tax Return

Matthew Lincoln,
Lincoln Tax Professionals / Cadence Planning LLC

Room: Sloane

The unique nature of the tax preparation industry crams the majority of it's complicated work into a eight-week period of time. This is a recipe for errors, omissions, and missed opportunities. In this session we will review where things tend to go wrong, common opportunities that are overlooked by even the best tax preparers, and what you can do to make it all better.

2:50 - 3:10 PM

Coffee Break
Regency Ballroom

3:15 - 4:30 PM

ACP Annual Membership Meeting
Regency Ballroom

All ACP members are encouraged to join in our official ACP Membership Meeting for association updates and discussion. 

4:45 - 5:30 PM

Under The Trees
Verelst, Percival, Sloane, Vernon, Regency Ballroom

Join ACP members in self-directed discussion. Sign-up / proposed topic sheets will be located near registration. Looking for outdoor space? Check out the Hyatt Regency's rooftop spaces or take a walk down River Street. Please sign up at registration, meet your group in the assigned room, and if you move outside of the classroom space, let us know where we can send folks to find your group! 

6:00 - 10:00 PM

Special Event | Scarbrough Ballroom 

Join ACP for dinner, entertainment, and fellowship alongside the Savannah River. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Friday, October 11

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Regency Ballroom

9:30 - 10:30 AM

Closing Comments and Featured Speaker

The Hit-by-a-Bus Workflow
Brooklyn Brock, Ellevate Advisors

Room: Regency Ballroom

What would happen to your business if you were hit by the proverbial bus? It’s hard to think about, but every year an advisor you know is going to die unexpectedly, without a succession plan or a financial plan for their family. Join Brooklyn Brock, third-generation CFP and Exit Coach, to learn how to create a Hit-by-a-Bus Workflow with prioritized action steps for that exact scenario. We’ll cover everything from notifying clients, to potentially repapering and staying compliant along the way. It may seem overwhelming, but we’re here to share resources and help you create a plan to secure the future of your family and your advisory firm. This session is ideal for every advisory firm owner, at any stage of growth. 

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Regency Ballroom

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Ask Me Anything / Tell Me More

Room: Regency Ballroom

Join in an open discussion about what's working, what's not, and where we're headed. What can ACP add to enhance your practice? We look forward to hearing from current members, prospective members, and friends!